Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Earlier this summer we had a resident tree frog take up our birdhouse as his homestead. I thought it was so cute how he would sit at the entrance hole and peek out at us. If we wondered too close he would retreat to the safety of his new found home.


  1. I love this pic. My kids love this pic. I miss our tree frogs right now. They wont start calling for a few more months though. If we're luck maybe late December.

    On another note, three baby bull frogs showed up in our pond. Needless to say I am NOT so happy about it. They eat the tree frog tadpoles. :( I have some work to do...

  2. I'm so glad you and your children enjoyed this picture, I smile each time I look at it. He stayed in that birdhouse all summer. I noticed him for the last time in October. Our winters are pretty harsh here in NWMO, so we don't hear the first tree frogs until about April, sometimes March if it is a warm year.

    Don't ya wish bullfrogs weren't such bullys? Maybe that's why they are called BULLfrogs?

  3. That looks just like the one I shared the picture of! Sat in a birdhouse too...

  4. Beau I just love tree frogs, they are just too cute. They find the greatest places to hide out.

  5. Thanks rambling, I thought he was pretty cute too. He stayed in that bird house almost all summer. I guess he felt very secure there. I worried one of the resident garter snakes would make a meal of him, like they did the baby wrens who had originally occupied the house.

  6. I have heard tree frogs where I live, but I have never been able to see them! This is great. I would not have guessed at their coloring or the shape of their nose. I wonder if I need to put up a bird house to see a tree frog???

  7. Amber----we find them in all sorts of places. They like our gutters, they hide behind the shutters on our house, I even find them in the basement occasionally. They like moist, cool places they can hide out during the day and they will come out singing loud and proud in the early evening hours. Sometimes they get so loud right outside our bedroom window we can't sleep for all the racket they make. The gray tree frog (pictured here) has the ability to "change color" from gray to green. Sometimes they will be a lime green which is beautiful. If they are in your area, I would start looking in April or May behind boards, shutters or anywhere else that is cooler and out of the sunlight
