Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Beauty Berry

Beauty Berry in the family Lamiaceae contains up to 150 species. Most species are tropical, but many survive well in Temperate zones like Missouri. Those that grow in temperate zones will be deciduous, meaning they will lose their leaves in the winter. In tropical zones they are evergreen. They are native to Asia, Southeast North America, Australia, and Central America.
In the spring these bushes will develop pretty pink or white blooms. They grow to about 6 feet tall, and about 5 to 6 feet in diameter. After blooming the leaves appear....later in the season gorgeous metallic looking purplish berries make an appearance. These berries grow in small clusters all along the bare branches. These berries will last well into the cold winter months and are an important food source for hungry birds and other animals when all other food sources have been exhausted.

Many species of these plants are used as hosts to certain moths like Swift Moths and Ghost Moths of Asia.
Wine and jellies can be made from the berries. I personally have not tried them, but would curious what it would taste like. My bush is loaded with berries, perhaps I need to try it. One species of beauty berry called American Beauty Berry is a natural repellent against Mosquitoes and ticks. I say we need to plant these things everywhere around our farm, no mosquitoes or ticks? How grand would that be? These bushes are attractive and make wonderful additions to any landscape.


  1. I need to order some Beauty Berry from the conservation department. Beautiful photos and color!

  2. Thanks Beau, and yes you should order some of these lovely bushes. They are a great addition to any landscape. It is easy to see where they get their name.

  3. The color of those berries is outrageous! It is really pretty. I need to check out how they do in CA.

  4. I bet they would do great in CA. There are species native to Southwest US. The berries are gorgeous and every bit that purple. It is really pretty when the snow falls and you can see those purple berries peeking out from the snow.
